The book is filled with such tips that will help you to make complex decisions easily. But if you do not know this then taking on b3 is not an easy decision. But Sam explains, "This is a mistake because when you have doubled pawns the pawn that is in front should be defended with another pawn, or else it becomes a weakness. Here the pawn on b3 cannot move forward because of the pawn on a5 and hence it becomes a weakness in the long run." All of this looks extremely logical once you read about it. Rauf recaptured on b3 with his pawn which looks like a pretty normal move. It was Black's move here and Sam took the bishop on b3. Rauf Mamedov vs Sam Shankland, Batumi Olympiad 2018 Here's an example where Sam was able to put into practice what he wrote in the book: Sam Shankland worked pretty hard on this book and it definitely seems that it helped him become a stronger chess player.

Samuel Shankland's book Small steps to Giant Improvement is surely one that will help your understanding of the game