Yael Grobglas: 1984- French-born Israeli Reign, Jane the Virgin, JeruZalem: Jake Gyllenhaal: 1980- American Donnie Darko, Brokeback Mountain, The Day After Tomorrow: Erin Heatherton: 1989- American Simon Helberg: 1980- American The Big Bang Theory, A Serious Man: Jonah Hill: 1983- American She is a loving daughter of her father Jean Pierre Grobglas and Austrian mother, Eva.

Israel shows solidarity at Rabin square Tel…" 25th Nov, 2017. How celebrities celebrated Passover - Jewish Telegraphic. She is known for her roles of Petra Solano and her twin sister Anezka in the critically acclaimed CW series "Jane the Virgin", the feature "Interview with God" and a number of recurring roles on television series including "Reign" and ". Yael Grobglas, actress Arts and entertainment. Hobbs, Nu Jeruzalem will strategically market and enhance themselves for longevity in a pattern of Gospel greats like: Commissioned, The Winans, Take 6 and many others who have paved the way.There's a shambling, lovable park ranger (Menashe Noy), a pair of tennis-playing dimwits (Ran Danker and Ofer Shechter) who are hot for blond, leggy Shir (Yael Grobglas) and mostly don't notice.

With the love and foundation of Jesus Christ, the vision and teachings of Pastor Aaron L. Not like normal Gospel singers, this group creates their own embodiment of production as well as true to life situations. Although the Gospel industry has been rejuvenated in the past 10 years, Nu Jeruzalem easily creates a postion of value. With each gift displayed through songs like: 'Give Him Praise', 'Overcome', 'Thank You Lord' and 'Psalm 51' the raw emotions of hardship, redemption, self-conciousness and victory are almost visual and personal to every listner. With more than 15 years of entertainment experience collectively, sharing the ministry has almost become second nature.

Each member: Anthony 'Tony' James, Tara James, Nakia McConnell, Edward McCrae and Michael Washington have contributed their own trials and tribulations to compilate a unique style of inspirational music. For the past year now, this annointed group known as 'Nu Jeruzalem' has been spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the tri-state area.