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Area 110 Player Record View or edit attendance.

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Record 105 Groups Masterpoints Merge Records Player Handicap. Pairs 88 2 Howell Movements Combined Complete Three-Quarter Individual Movements players players players players players Rover Movements About Rover Movements Part V Data Base 99 1 Data Base Update/Find Add Copy Data record Edit Edit group codes Edit masterpoints Find a player Merging players Screens Attendance. entry 84 Part IV Movements 87Ħ IV ACBLscore Help 1 About Phantom. pairing by computer 83 Team score entry Knockout posting. screen 78 Pairing Screen Specify options Swiss team. How to set up 74 2 table team games Board-A-Match teams Knockout teams Round Robin teams Swiss teams general options Match results.

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at clubs 72 Unit games Stratified Events Team Game. games 71 Junior fund games Sectional tournament. wide games 70 GNT and NAP events Instant matchpoint. recording MPs Special Games ACBL and District. to set up Posting Methods Scrambled Mitchell Screens Games Main Screen Series Games Series Winners.

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of boards per round 58 Pair sits the wrong. pair to a Howell 56 Errors in Rover Movements Forgot to call the. Ratings Movement Errors Adding a table or. and entering names 38 IMP (Ctrl-I) KILL LAST (Ctrl-L) LATE LEAD (F4 key) LIST (F8 key) LRECA MEMO MPED NAMES (F3 key) NEW (Ctrl-N) NOTE OALL ORECA OUT PCON PDAT PEVEN PMPS PRESS PXOV QUIT (Alt-X) RECAP (F5 key) ROUND RPRES SCORE SET (F9 key) Qualification/Eligibility SHOW (Ctrl-S) SHXOV SPRES STRAT SUMM TOURN TRANS TS UNBAC UNDB (Ctrl-U) VIEW WORLD WHEN XOV Game Setup. board formula 36 FREQ GNEXT (Ctrl-Right) GPREV (Ctrl-Left) HAND Handicap table Handicapped. 35Ĥ II ACBLscore Help EXP FIND FOUL Fouled/Adjusted. EDXOV or EDPX assignments: 33 ELIG ENTER (F2 key) Posting entry EVENT (F6 Key). pair numbers 31 Print guide cards Save as a movement. Up) 29 CO CPAIR DBADD (Ctrl-D) EDMOV Display or change. multiple event results 28 CH (F7 key, Down. for winners 27 CAPT CCO CFIGx CFIG1: change. Games Part III Game 1 Factoring Scores Game Commands ADD (Ctrl-A) ADJ AREP BACK (Ctrl-B) BOARD (F10 key) BUL Press release. Club Report for ACBL 17 2 Unreported Club. Club(s) 15 3 Players Part II ACBL Monthly Reports 17 1 Making a Monthly. It supports a database of players so that it will compute handicaps, print mailing labels, etc.ģ Contents I Table of Contents Foreword 0 9 Part I ACBLscore 1 Installing ACBLscore Downloading ACBLscore Installing from a. It can rank a stratified game with up to three strata, and can score by matchpoints, IMPs or Swiss Teams. ACBLscore will handle almost any variation of movement, including individual. 2 American Contract Bridge presents ACBLscore for Windows by Jim Lopushinsky & Paul Martin ACBLscore is software used by clubs to score duplicate bridge and report results to the ACBL.

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